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I do have a sweet tooth, but it’s more than that. For me, pie represents creativity, ingenuity, hospitality, and the simple act of sharing. And when we share pie, we share stories.


This section of my website is about my life as a documentarian and the connections made through pie.


Here's a favorite musing on the work of consummate listener and collector of details, documentarian Studs Terkel:

"The authenticity and richness of experience is what stands out in Studs’ writing. People sound like people in a Studs Terkel interview— their PIES still baking in the oven, their books disheveled on the floor, their unresolved questions about race, work and American dreams lingering on the page. He humanized common traits that could otherwise seem foreign."


~The Illustrated Press


[Half-Eaten Blueberry Pie], Walker Evans 

(American, St. Louis, Missouri 1903–1975 New Haven, Connecticut). Purchase, Samuel J. Wagstaff Jr. Bequest and Lila Acheson Wallace Gift, 1994© Walker Evans Archive, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

© 2014-2024 Amy C. Evans. Please do not use content without permission. Thank you.

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